Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
The more trust
one has in
the greater
the Peace.
Once you have experienced
the depth of True Peace
you will not disturb it again.
Disturbing the Peace
in any kind of way
is an act of violence.
The world
is one big
It's like a
speck of sand
in the eye.
What I have
money can't buy,
I can never go
No one knows
what failure is
until they make
their best effort.
Then you move on
with no regrets.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
It is not possible
to separate the economy
from the ecology.
What state is the ecology
in, for the economy
to collapse?
Everyones' mind is manipulated
and controlled by the economy.
is the
In a greed-ridden society
the 'trickle-down process
is an outright lie.
'Fake it till you make it'
creates an obstacle
to 'making' it.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
I worked with sheep my whole life, so I know what I'm talking about. Take one sheep out of the mob and it cannot function. It will even run headlong into a tree or try to run through a barbed-wire fence. Once it locates the mob again, it will run headlong into them and push its' way to the center of the mob. It then feels safe.
Safety is
How can you function
out of the mob?
Whatever you are attached to, in the world, (including your physical body and its' relations) causes great pain and suffering when it's taken away from you.
Your natural state
can never express
itself while you're
Be careful you don't run into a tree.
Look out for the fences too.
I've eaten many things in my time, in order to survive. Rabbits, hares, chickens, pigeons, parrots (large & small), Emus (now that's a tough bird!), kangaroos, snakes, sheep, bullocks and sausage. (I almost forgot pigs.) In the Bush that was my food supply.
"What's for dinner tonight?"
"There it is, hopping across the paddock."
"Go git 'em Yorky!"
He handed me the gun and said,
"If you want to eat, your dinner's
in front of you!"
All food is holy
when you're hungry!
In order to do my work,
I had to remain lean & hungry.
What will it take
to get people
to come together?
A common enemy!
'Live and let live' means
'Do no harm.'
How can a Society
survive without
Work is a vacation to me.
I've been on vacation
my whole life.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Knowing is within the mind.
Beyond the framework
there is nothing
to know.
It manifests as
Direct Knowledge.
Whatever has dimensions
is destructible.
Only Dimensionless Reality
is indestructible.
The world, in and of itself, has no reality whatsoever. It is your own private dream. It is your own creation. If you have a problem with it, do not blame. Ask yourself why you created such a world.
There is a world within every word. When you take your focus off of a few thoughts that you had, those worlds die and you don't even bat an eyelid.
The eyes blink at 1/60th of a second.
Anything faster than that is seen as MAGIC!
When you want to know how the magician does it, you have to watch the illusion from beginning to end, without blinking. Guaranteed you will catch him.
comes along with
For those who are attract to the destructible, they are addicted to fear. Those who are attracted to the indestructible are addicted to love.
I found the goldmine within myself. It gives off the most incredible golden light that I have ever seen. The Power of the Sun illuminates it.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
No one can be emotionally positive
when they're up to their eyeballs in debt.
Debt and happiness
are opposing forces.
Once you start kicking and screaming
know that the Power of Transmutation
is working withing you.
is running
the show.
When the electric goes out, everything will stop. That will be the beginning of Armageddon otherwise it's just another war.
No electricity - no nuclear energy - no guided missiles; back to the bow & arrow. Guess who you are going to look to, to survive?
How can I be happy when people are suffering? Easy - I am an incarnation of compassion, which is true, independent happiness.
As a society,
we haven't paid
the electric bill.
This is the final notice!
It is not the object
that you are attracted to.
It is the Power and Intelligence
that manifests it.
The source of which
is within you.
There will come a time when it is necessary to fly. If you're tied down with debt, what will you do?
I am in debt to God -
the price of which
is living.
A country that goes into debt with another country and uses the spoils in the pursuit of wars can not survive without it.
What is 'everything'
to the man who is
used to living so
Shattering the Peace
brings bad luck.
Something has to be free in life
or there is no such thing as freedom!
Content has no bearing
on action & reaction.
To do or say
what you want
is not freedom.
Freedom to do is bondage.
Freedom to act is freedom.
I AM the most dangerous thing
you will ever meet.
I can rob you of your ignorance
I will come
like a thief
in the night.
The Guru is the Universal Captor. You may take your attention off of Him but he will never take his attention off of you. Once He captures your heart, it belongs to Him. He owns it and is entitled to set up residence within.
The part that one acts out is of no consequence.
It is the quality of the acting.
If the part wasn't within you,
how could you act it out?
The part
is a part
of the whole.
Don't become a World Savior
or you will be crucified.
(Not to mention that you will miss Easter.)
When the mind never stops,
then the body becomes
a beast of burden.
Problems are burdens.
(Self-created, I might add!)
If you don't believe me,
ask the creator.
Were you to believe that God created mankind, then would you agree that He had created a big problem for Himself? When the problem becomes big enough, He will have to address it.
Anyway, I suppose it's all for the best
seeing as mum's comin' home.
Whoever told you
that you are
in control?
Insanity comes about
from imagining
that you are in control.
Put a burden down
and you will feel relief.
(You'll probably become light-headed.)
Thoughts are burdens.
Carrying them around
day and night will
tire you out,
(which means you'll have insomnia.)
Neglected problems
create tragedies.
The society that I live in
is the most violent society
I have ever lived in!
The God of the Underworld
will push that violence
up to the surface.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
If your life is not a life of service
then it is useless and self-serving
and has a very limited effect.
Choice is a false idea.
Whatever you are not
aware of is choosing
for you all the time.
The 'Information Age' is nothing more than an addiction unless you are prepared to act on the information you receive.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Always leave yourself enough time.
One day you will need it.
Everyone has a pre-conceived idea
of the length of time that they
would, realistically, like to live to.
At 15, the 85 year-old says,
"Just a few more years, please!"
All of the idiots who have said to me, "I'm not afraid of dying!" answer to that was, "Apart from your ideas about death - tell me about it. I'm interested."
I claim my own on deathbeds, from freeways to waterbeds. Just because you sleep on a waterbed doesn't mean that the God of Death is not going to visit you! He visited one who had a bed made of solid gold.
It isn't 'all or nothing' with death. It's simply ALL. Realize that and you'll end up as a nobody and a nothing. It's the only security there is.
Become something
and you're in
for it!
I once heard a conversation between an Australian Aborigine and a white fella'. The black fella' said, "One day, you white bastards, will be coming to us to learn how to survive!"
People are emotionally tied
to their culture.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
First-hand experience
shatters imagination.
Ownership is a false idea.
It is a word that everyone
agrees on - that it's
real and true.
The Universe is there
to help you,
not to do it
for you.
The Universe has an abundance to give.
My question is; how much can you give
All the power, money and 'trinkets of the world' could not make a ripple in the Ocean of abundance, which resides in the Heart of the Guru.
The Guru
is the dead center
of God's Heart.
I have no pre-conceived ideas.
I have nothing going on.
In order to get there
you have to sell out.
Nobody gets there first
and then sells out.
Monday, October 13, 2008
The Laws of Nature
apply to all Societies.
Break them at your own risk.
You can't learn
discipline through
(You learn discipline through love.)
I tattooed the formula for 'Heaven on Earth' to manifest. It never entered my mind to seek reward. Peace is its own reward. The formula is based on 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you'. It is not 'do unto others as they do unto you.'
To go beyond violence
you have to be sick of it.
(Really sick of it!)
Violence and Peace
are in opposition.
There is no such thing
as a war on terror.
War itself is terror!
The only way to stop terrorism
is to abolish war.
A peaceful mind is Heaven.
An agitated mind is hell.
War & violence
are an addiction.
The original sin is believing you were born.
Address that delusion and you are free.
Any country, or culture, that builds
its' foundation on violence
can only end in violence.
The more records you break
the faster you'll get home.
Once you run out of time
you become Timeless Being,
not the person you
believe yourself to be.
They were not interested
in their own welfare.
There is no such thing
as 'responsible gambling.'
How would you feel
if someone took your money
and gambled it away?
What happens to consumers
when there is nothing
left to consume?
Destroy mans' symbols of power
then you destroy his culture.
If you violate Natural laws,
following man-made laws,
then do not expect
to survive intact.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
When you can look
on your empty plate
and manifest food -
you've gone beyond famine.
There is a difference
between a famine
and a manufactured crisis.
The penalty of
wasting food
is starvation.
Ask yourself this very important question - How much food and water have I wasted in my life, due to my 'likes' and 'dislikes'? The answer will give you a clear indication of your destiny!
Abundance is the Gurus' Grace.
Lack is Gods' Wrath!
In times of abundance and prosperity,
self-discipline is crucial.
'As you sow, so shall you reap',
is a law of Nature.
A starving man will eat raw meat.
He will not refuse it
complaining that it's too rare!
Food to a starving man
is quite rare!
Sitting at the dining table, as a child,I refused to eat a piece of tripe that was on my plate. My father leant across the table, picked it up with his fork and put it on his plate. He said, "When I was in the trenches in World War 1, I saw men trying to eat their own shit and drink their own piss. The trouble with you boy, is that you are too well-fed!"
The old saying holds true,
'Waste not::Want not'.
Make an experiment next time you sit at the table to eat. Concentrate on the food on your plate, from beginning to end. It will make you cry!
People, of all walks of life, generally squash their emotions by overeating. As the food supply dwindles there will be a lot to take care of.
Friday, October 10, 2008
If you want to control
a population,
the best way
is to keep them
in debt
which keeps them
No free time
No mischief.
Service is an incredibly humbling experience.
A nation in debt
is a dead nation.
There is no hope for it.
Hope has run out.
One has to learn
to live with many
things in life.
If people could
turn their TV off
there would be no way
of programming them
and keeping the fear going.
Instant gratification
destroys gratitude.
At any moment
anything can
Could happen means it's possible.
Can happen means highly likely.
The people are responsible
for the downfall of the world,
not the Government!
You are not
free to act
if you are
in debt.
Once the judges
are corrupt
then there is
no such thing
If you hear yourself say,
"There is no Justice in the world!"
Ask yourself 'WHY?'
There is a
world of
between 'Justice for All'
and 'Equal Justice'for all.
What are traitors?
How do we recognize them?
Everything Society knows
about itself has to go.
When the inner demons
come to the surface
of the world, Societies
will fight
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
The profit doesn't
trickle down
but the debt does.
(Am I missing something?)
When there is a problem
and you can't solve it;
you become part of it.
Perfection doesn't include
imperfection to the
eyes of ignorance.
If it doesn't come out of love
how can there be any goodness in it.
Music is an integral
part of the culture.
Sweet music &
sweet people
are inseparable.
There is no difference
between water and God.
You can't live without
either of them.
God is consciousness.
The Sun is proof of that.
Nothing can happen until
the connection is made.
Society is like a car.
It won't go for long
when the timing is out.
You only know you have
an addiction when what
you're addicted to
is taken away.
Free Speech comes
from living a life
of discipline.
(Otherwise it's simply drivel!)
Violate your constitution
and lose your freedom.
Once the constitution is violated,
martial law is the next step.
With martial law
comes military thinking.
Military thinking
is based
on discipline.
It is the responsibility of the people to ensure that the politicians do not become corrupt. If you don't take care of your responsibility, don't expect the Government to perform theirs.
A mans' life exists in one moment,
held together by time and place.
You will not survive with a
'what next'.
Survival depends on
'what now?'
'Now what'?
When one gets' rid of 'next' -
there is no 'next moment'
which means you're living
'in the moment'.
How big a problem does America have with drugs? That will tell you how many armed gangs there are in this Society who have killed and will kill again.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
I have a question for humanity.
What will it take to unite you?
An undisciplined society
loses everything.
If people allow themselves
to get into debt; then what's
good for the goose is good
for the Government.
A little bit of that
is worth more than
a lot of
something else.
A revolution created America.
It will be a revolution
that destroys it.
Once man creates something
with more power than himself,
then man shall destroy himself.
Violating natures laws
creates war.
Without the Constitution,
America no longer has any
against invasion.
The 3rd World War
is already in progress
and has been for
quite some time.
Do nothing
When you say, "What can we do about it?",
the obvious answer is nothing.
(Obviously, or you wouldn't make that statement!)
Friday, October 3, 2008
The end of one Revolution
is the beginning of another.
When you walk
in the right direction
you gain recognition.
The more
you want
the more
you are.
Try to keep
your sickness
to a minimum.
comes out of
How am I going to
survive this one?
Society is falling apart.
There is not enough quality
to keep it together.
The only way to live a happy life
is to do what makes your heart happy.
is the beginning of another.
When you walk
in the right direction
you gain recognition.
The more
you want
the more
you are.
Try to keep
your sickness
to a minimum.
comes out of
How am I going to
survive this one?
Society is falling apart.
There is not enough quality
to keep it together.
The only way to live a happy life
is to do what makes your heart happy.
The responsibility for our childrens' actions lies within each and everyone of us. Failure to educate and discipline our children will result in our demise.
will be
the death
of you.
The streets of our Society belong to the people. Use them or lose them. Get out of your car and try walking on them, unarmed, late at night. It will be good practice for what's coming.
Martial law can only manifest
in weak, undisciplined societies.
of the Truth
is necessary
until everyone
is living it.
At that point,
is redundant.
Once is enough!
If you have to be told twice,
you are not interested in
your own welfare.
Running away from ones' fears
takes much more energy
than turning around to face them.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
That's all drama can create -
obstacles & problems
in ones' life.
No Justice,
No Democracy.
Once you have two sets of laws,
one for the rich - one for the poor;
Democracy becomes a 'buzzword'.
I see the whole of humanity
through the eyes of compassion.
That is all I can do for you.
The rest is up to you.
The shit has already hit the fan!
What we are seeing is the result.
Guru Om
It's the perfection
of everything.
A traitor sells
his own people out,
to survive.
I need all the help
that I can get.
What power do I have
to control anything?
My job is to manifest
peace on Earth.
If you would like to help
with the work - you are welcome.
(In a nutshell) Society is in
a great state of anxiety & fear.
The only way out of that
is to challenge it.
The best way of dieting
is to get rid of the idea of
'gain' & 'loss'.
I know the Truth
so why do I need
anyone else to
represent me?
do not need
belief systems.
There is only one boat
and it is my boat!
If you're not in it
you are dead.
Cyclone is a legend
and I met him.
What I have, money can't buy.
What you have, money can buy.
The collapse of the financial system
will not bother me.
You, on the other hand,
will lose everything.
You have everything
that money can buy.
gets the 'fake'
out of you.
Introduce your mind to the Source
and it will either glow or shatter.
A miracle is about to happen! It's the only thing that can save mankind now. Someone once said, "It takes a village".
Guru Om says, "It takes a miracle!"
A miracle happens when
the Laws of Nature
make an exception.
I am a walking miracle!
It is a miracle that
I am alive and well,
what I have been through.
Miracles come out
of the desire to survive
at all costs!
I do not allow
my emotions to come into play
and interfere with FACT.
That is Natures' way of
'culling the herd'.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
If you're living beyond your means
you are not going to make it!
The time to balance the books is nigh.
Where I grew up,
if you were in debt
you were a loser.
All those living in debt
are living in a fantasy world,
created with someone elses energy.
Better to have
an old reliable car
that you own
than a new one
that you don't own.
Be warned!
Mark my words!
The God of the Underworld
is upon us!
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