Thursday, December 4, 2008
When you break Natures' laws and don't respect the elements, then don't expect the Earth to feed you. (Would you beat your wife, rape her and then expect her to make your dinner? If you do expect then read someone else.)
I have a foolproof way to wake people up::READ MY FOREHEAD! You can refuse but either way you will wake up! How would you like to wake up, gently or violently? That is a question to ask yourself, right now.
The best place to hide something
is below the average awareness level
of a society.
Don't forget, you do have the power to find things hidden from view. Find that power within you and use it to investigate. (You will love it.)
When one man abuses
the Power of Life,
we are all doomed!
The Universal Message is, 'Everything is there to be used, not abused. (Don't abuse a chisel by using it as a screwdriver! When you need the use of a chisel, it won't be there.)
This knowledge is so practical.
It's not rocket science.
It's very simple.
(Even a child can
understand it
when it's taught.)
How much longer
are you going to
keep talking about it?
You know what the 'they' are doing; we all know what the 'they' are doing. My question to you is, "What are you doing?"
'They' & 'you' are highly interactive. Find out what the 'you' is and you will know who 'they' are.
A language has no more power
than the man using it.
Once a man can't see
both sides of the coin,
he's broke!
Events have taken place
that no one can change.
No amount of kicking &
screaming can change this.
Ones' interest in
what's happening,
keeps it going.
Call me
when you're going
to do something about it!
The heart does not discriminate.
It beats the same way for a
mass-murderer or a saint.
to the beat
of the heart.
Get to the heart
of the matter
and take command.
You can not create Truth.
You can only create lies &
Propaganda is the
spreading of lies!
(To fertilize a field
one needs shit & a spreader.)
You cannot spread Truth,
you can only be it.