Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Only weak, frightened people
are afraid of death.
Courageous people
see it as another event
in the long list
of life's events.

There is no such thing
as 'death of the unknown'.
Death is always of the 'known'.

The known
is boring
and going

Death of the known
is birth of the unknown.

Everything is true
and everything is false
at the same time.

Giving up ones' programmed addictions, creates the possibility for the great unknown to manifest, in this blink of an eye you call 'my life'.

For all of those who subscribe to the idea, 'this is my life'. If it yours and you own it, explain to me how it can leave you within the short space of one heartbeat?

Death does not have to be
a horrendous experience.
Kicking and screaming makes it so.

The biggest risk that you can ever take is diving into the unknown. If it spits you back out then you won't be afraid of it anymore.

There is nothing behind you,
with the exception of the void.
Realize that when you turn round
to look behind you,
whatever you are seeing
is still in front of you.

Be careful you don't
fall backwards
out of the world
or you will have me
for company.

At the end of the day,
the idea, 'I was born, I will die',
is still only an idea.

When you see me alive,
I am dead.
when you see me dead,
I am alive.

The world comes out of an over-fertile imagination. It is built on the foundation of reality; that is why it appears to be so real.

Do not allow your creations to gather too much power, otherwise, they will start telling you what to do.

God is.
God is

Belief in anything makes it appear real. Should you not believe me, test my words. Withdraw your belief in the world and you will be free of it, but don't expect it to give you anything but the basics.

You do not need the world
to give you reality.
The world needs you
to credit it with reality.
Cut the credit line
and be free of it.

Do not fall in the quicksand and as you are going down, warn others not to repeat your actions. It will do no good, as once in the quicksand, your words will have no power. Better to warn people while your feet are on dry land.

Waste not
Want not.

Why should a man who has never wasted water, experience thirst in his life? Why should a man who has never wasted food experience hunger in his life? (There would be nothing for him to learn in it.) Why should a man who has never been in debt lose his freedom? I hear many people these days, claim "that we are losing our freedoms!" It would be more correct to say, "We are losing our illusion of freedom.

How can you lose
what you've never had?

To be free, first
you have to know
what you would
like to be free of.
The best place to start
is with your addictions.

To be free of drama
is an easy one...
stop creating it!

Did you ever contemplate
that whatever is happening,
in the country that you reside in,
is for your own welfare?

How much further
can you go into debt
without drowning?

Famine is the cure for obesity. Drought is the cure for water wastage. I am not blaming you. It is a simple fact. How can a man appreciate food & water when he's never had to go without it? How can a man, who has lived a privileged life, appreciate simplicity?

The last shall be first
and the first shall be last.

If you want to be first instead of last then turn around, or better still, turn your life around.

What is about to happen on this Planet will affect everyone, from the richest to the poorest, from the strongest to the weakest. Miracles are going to happen. Nature is going to make an exception to some of Her laws.

Do not imagine, in a dog-eat-dog society that the top-dogs will get away with it. They will eventually eat each other. Do not imagine that something called an Illuminati or incredibly wealthy bankers are going to survive and you are not! You will not be going alone. The rich an powerful will go with you.

The game of 'manipulating the masses' is a fun game for the rich & powerful. Once the goal of the game is achieved, the game is over! What will they do to fill their addictions then?

In order to survive
on this Planet
in any meaningful way,
we need each other.

Don't imagine that the rich mans' money will save him. I seem to remember a great Being once said, 'The meek shall inherit the Earth'. I don't recall Him saying 'The rich shall inherit the Earth.'

He who dies
with the least toys

A fat camel never
passed through the
eye of the needle.

Don't forget;
if you must travel,
make sure you get on
the right train or else
every station
will be the
wrong one!

Next time you're out and about, driving your car, very quickly and carefully look at the floor. I think you will find that it's not moving.

All movement
is an illusion
projected onto
the unmovable.

Who wants to go back
to 'business as usual'?
It's boring!