Tuesday, December 2, 2008


There is no other course
for me but continued patience.

Don't ask
'what next'?
When you
haven't taken
care of
'what now?'

Every idea needs support
for it to grow and flourish.

If you don't want dictatorial rule
then stop supporting it
with your actions,
(or lack thereof).

Man does not create great leaders.
Great leaders are spat out of the Earth,
(at the appropriate time).

Nature knows no boundaries.

How can there be any good or any bad Karma for the one that knows that food is the performer of actions. Food is a manifestation of God, hence when you see a soggy, old lettuce in the shop, you will say, "It looks dead!"

There may be a few genuine people in society but they have no power. The reason they have no power is because they are genuine people.

Consumerism is indiscriminate greed.
That's why you don't see it as an
insult to be called a consumer!

How long can man keep
bombing the Earth
without Her
going into revolt?

When you believe you are the performer of action then you are responsible for those actions,and you reap the fruit.

Mans' laws are so badly broken that they don't work anymore. Natures' laws are there for your survival.Break them at your own risk.

Mans' laws are not inclusive,
Natures' laws are.

Bodies and desires
go hand in hand.

Desires fulfilled breed more desires and when you get your desire it is of no use to you. Therefore, you will work hard and manifest another desire which will be of no use to you, etc....It is a chain reaction that leads to nowhere, (that you're interested in).

Do you have the courage
to kill your own food or
do you pay someone to do
your 'dirty-work' for you?

Animals kill and eat each other because they have not, as yet, attained the knowledge of growing food. How else are they going to live? They have no alternative. Man has.

They're not even manifested
and yet people die for ideas.

The society that I grew up in,
they called 'ideas' brainwaves,
like waves on an ocean.

Put your finger in a flame and hold it there. It will burn. Furthermore, not only will your finger burn, your whole body will burn. It will be felt in every cell.People who are suffering and dying in another place near or far are affecting every cell in your body,the pigeons will come home to roost.Indifference to the suffering of others will bring suffering to your door.

A surfer once rode a 30 foot wave.
He crashed and hit the rocks.

A peaceful mind
doesn't produce

Throw a pebble in a peaceful lake
and watch what happens.
(That's called a small brainwave.)

Do brainwaves recognize each other on the street? Next time someone waves to you, wave back. You'll know what brainwaves are then.