War never ever
bore the fruit
of peace.
First comes understanding,
second comes peace.
Understand the mechanics of your mind
and be free from its' illusions.
In order for ignorance to be destroyed
something has to be sacrificed.
The quality of thinking,
or lack thereof,
shapes and forms ones' life.
That's what the world is made of ~
A pair of opposites.
Things get done
when the talking stops.
There is no world
without you ~ right?
Accepting what comes in
and accepting what goes out.
No influence, no power,
leads to frustration and anger.
The challenge
of making the attempt
keeps one on their toes.
Once you have had everything
taken away from you,
you don't need
to practice Gratitude.
If you have to
ask what to do ~
then don't do it.
Don't create problems,
then you won't have
any obstacles in your life.
The Gurus' function is to put you in the right position.
That is his part. Your part is 'resist ye not!'
There is enough
drama, pain and suffering
in the world, without adding to it.
Every disaster
is a blessing
in disguise.
God is perfect. God created man in his own image. Therefore, you are perfect.
If you don't believe me then you better have a chat with Him and ask Him why he made you imperfect.
Playing with delusion
rarely makes one happy.
If you want something new
to manifest
in your life
or a new life,
then new thinking
is required.
Thinking clouds vision.
Contemplation clears it.
You deserve everything.
Can you give yourself so much?
The reflections are different but the source of light remains the same, like sparks from a fire they are all different but they come from the same fire.
Positive thinking
eradicates worry.
God implants the idea to seek out the Guru.
The Gurus' job is to introduce you to God.
There can never be
enough laughter in life.
Suffering will prod you
towards the Ocean of Love.
If I don't exist,
the world doesn't exist.
Once you break the laws of Nature,
don't expect Nature to support you.
Once one accepts
a concept
it appears real.
Whenever Nature makes an exception
to one of its laws,
Man calls it a miracle.
Life is always changing.
It's Man who gets stuck.
Only great Beings can drag society
up to higher levels of consciousness.
He does this by refusing
to allow society
to drag him down.
If one allows Life
to do the guiding,
everything will be alright.
One has to be
fully present or fully absent.
Floating around in the middle
means you are stuck.
to feel.
Stick with the basic, simple facts
and you can't go wrong.
Without bottomless Trust
how can one live life
to the fullest?
To get attention
you have to pay attention.
Where I come from
you are all past-tense.
People would rather die
than give me recognition.
That's the only way to live;
to develop 'witness consciousness'.
People who live a hard life
develop a good sense of humor.