Thursday, March 31, 2011


All you can really do
to help is to see the
best in everyone.
That will bring out
the best in you.

What one sees
in others is
within ourselves.
It is a reflection
of something within.

What you
give to others
you get to

What is time?
Time is an agreed to
'span of nothingness'.

People don't
live on the Earth
they live on concrete.

I live a life of abundance
without waste.

If you cant
separate it
then you'll
have to
transcend it.

I have lived many,
many lifetimes
in this one life and
I haven't finished yet.

If you don't want to be afraid of the unknown, then get familiar with it. Put all your belief systems aside for a while, even for a few moments, and I will introduce you.

He couldn't change things,
but that didn't mean that
he had to participate.

Your 'there' is not quite 'there', therefore, stick at it. I have great confidence in you. I was like you and you will be like me, in spite of yourself.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


"I'm somebody too", he said.
"Who are you trying to convince, you or me?"

Only a madman would tattoo
the Truth on his forehead.

Walk around with
3 days growth of whiskers,
all grey and no teeth.

I do not give to
one and not another.
I give to all equally.
Your actions are
the deciding factor
as to what you get.

Clean your mess up.
If you don't clean
your mess up,
it will drag you back.

In my company you may feel like nothing. You're lucky; I AM nothing. In my company you may feel like everything. You are lucky; I AM everything. I invite you to take the next step.

If you've got all the answers
then the show's over, isn't it?

The Truth is in myself,
that's all I know.

You don't have to worry
about saying the wrong thing
when you're speaking the Truth.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Most people are reactors. An event happens and they react to it because it has happened before. When an even happens beyond mans' imagination, acting is required. Reactors will not survive.
Beyond the imagination lies reality, The Universal Alarm Clock.
God created man in his own image. Once God stops imagining, what happens to the content of Gods' imagination? You are no different, in essence, to God.
You imagine yourself at a party, then when you get bored with it, you imagine something else. What happens to all the lovely people at your imaginary party?
Everyone creates, sustains and destroys their own world.

Monday, March 28, 2011


The only question one needs to ask, in this life, is:
"What am I not aware of that I need to be aware of, to improve the quality of my life ~ NOW?

The Gurus' Grace
is always present.
To see it and
recognize it
in daily life
is a work of art.

God gives the gift of life.
You have no right whatsoever
to criticize or complain about it.
If you're not satisfied with the gift
then give it back!

I seek no ones approval,
therefore, I AM.

Insecurity is an obstacle
which blocks the flow
of love.

People who live in the 'known' get bored
very easily.
My world is the
No one gets bored here.

One can not imagine
what they haven't experienced.

People are frightened
of their own potential.

Feeding greed is
a full-time job.

Originality comes from the
The Source.

Anything that is born
lives with the fear of dying -
except life itself.

No bees
No pollen
No crops

Sunday, March 27, 2011



Do you mind my asking you a few questions about the tattoos on your head?

Q: Why did you tattoo your head in the first place?

A: When I first came here, to America, twenty-three years ago, it was not to achieve name and fame as most people do, nor was it for the fulfillment of desires. I came here to warn people of the pending doom that was rushing from the future into the present if they did not change their ways.

Q: Did people heed your warnings?

A: No, in fact, I was labeled a Prophet of Doom and ridiculed.

Q: Did that bother you?

A:   Not in the least, speaking the truth has never bothered me, it simply made me more determined.

Q:  What was your next course of action?

A:  Well, I contemplated what to do next for quite a while before I decided to tattoo the Truth on my head. Actually, there is a story of a promise that I made when I was saved from drowning when I was a little boy.

Q:  That must have been very painful for you.

A:  Yes it was, but not as painful as what mankind is on the brink of going through now.

Q:  In what way?

A:  Twenty years ago I said, Eighty-five percent of humanity is going to be wiped off the face of this Earth. The only way that the remaining fifteen percent is going to survive is through Unconditioned Love.

Q:  That sounds quite extreme to me.

A: Yes, you and billions more. In the twenty years since I tattooed the Formula for the Destruction of Ignorance (which is the Birth of Enlightenment) on my head only two people have asked me what it meant . One was a stranger who walked across the street to ask me & one was a drunk.

Q:  Why do you think that is?

A:  The pain and suffering isn't great enough yet but it's getting there.

Q: How can you be sure that is going to happen?

A: I saw it twenty five years ago in meditation whilst shearing in the outback of Australia. It took me five years to understand it. Whatever I see in meditation, as regards mankind, always happens. It hasn't let me down yet.

Q: Did tattooing a Universal Peace Formula on your head change your life?

A: Yes, it ruined my worldly life. It shattered my few remaining fantasies, one of which was that people would be interested in their own survival. I also found out that I was not a world savior. My commitment is to the death.

Q: Are you sorry you did it.

A: No, I am at peace with myself. I have no regrets. I have one desire which is Peace on earth and good will between all mankind. Will you support my desire?

Q: How do I do that?

A: There is an ocean of peace within each and every one of us. When you are ready to support my desire you will manifest that peace within yourself.

Q: I don't feel like I have much peace within myself, so what can I do?

A: Plenty. Find out what disturbs your peace and get rid of it.

Q: Easier said than done.

A: Easier done than said.

Q: Can we talk about the meaning of the symbols on your head?

A: Of course.

Q: The red dot.

A: The red dot is symbolic of the sun. In the beginning was the void. Without the sun there would be no life on this earth. Without life on this earth there would be no one to ask about God.

Q: The crescent moon below the sun, what does that stand for?

A : In the beginning, the Earth was covered in water. Without the moon it would revert back to its original state.

Q: Below the crescent moon there are three lines?

A: Yes, the three lines stand for Creation, Sustenance, and my favorite, Destruction. That is the foundation of the mind; it creates an idea, plays with it for a while and then destroys it.

Q: I like the green star above the Sun, what does that represent?

A: The green star symbolizes the Pole Star. It is the only Star in the Universe that does not move. Knowledge of the Stars and Planets can be understood by meditating on the Pole Star.

Q: What about the two snakes wrapped around your head, what do they mean?

A: One is called Ida and the other is called Pingala. They represent the in-breath and the out-breath. For example, let me ask you a question, are you breathing?

Q: Yes.

A: Good, then you should be able to stop for twenty minutes, Right?

Q: Wrong, I couldn't do that.

A: Then does that not imply that you are not breathing? Breathing is going on even when you're asleep. And you imagine that your doing it? Which also implies, if you were responsible for breathing and you forgot about it because you were involved in an interesting action you would die, and so would every one else who believed as you do.

Q : What about the Mandala on the top of your head!

A: Yes, the top of the head is where the Nectar is. It is also called The Garden Of Eden. The seven stars around the mandala represent the seven major planets.

Q: The two symbols above your eyes look like writing to me, am I correct?

A: Yes, you are quite correct. They read HAM & SAH which means,
I AM THAT I AM or Be Still and Know That I AM.
It is also the divine sound the breath makes as it is sucked in and out of the body due to the void at the end of each breath. But, from the stand point of reality there is only one void.
The sound the breath makes, as it moves in and out of the body, is the music of God, (This goes beyond the prison of religion). Those who do not hear the music are sleep walkers, dead men walking. When the breath exits the body no one can guarantee that it will re-enter and thus sustain life. No one ever gives it a second thought. Were the breath to not stop, once it had filled up the lungs, would they not explode? Man in his ignorance, claims, that he is controlling this Divine Play.

Q: On the back of your head I see a cobra surrounded with flames. There is also writing above the fire,what does that mean?

A: That is the Kundalini Naga (Snake). Once the Guru awakens her she makes her way up the inner core of the spine (the Sushumna) to the top of the head. Her only desire is to re-unite with her Lord, Shiva her consort. The Sanskrit writing above the flames reads,


There you have it in a child-like simple way.
The truth is never complicated.
It is available to all who seek it.

Knock and the door shall be opened unto you. (Knocking is attention)

Destruction of Ignorance is the Birth of Enlightenment.

I am in your every breath.

God dwells within you as you.

God exists in your feelings


Saturday, March 26, 2011


is a facet
on the diamond
of generosity.

You cannot buy time.
You can only create it
by not filling it up.

Right action occurs
when one gets in touch
with the situation;
act accordingly & respond correctly.
To do that one needs a quiet mind.

How much peace can I manifest?
Now, that's what I call a challenge!

Don't ever put anything between yourself and God. You do not need an intermediary. Does the Prince need the Prime Minister to get an appointment with his father, the King?

That's the problem with Time, there just isn't enough of it.
Once you know how to create it, you never run out of it.

Hard work
sound character.



Man appears
with everything
he needs.

will ever happen
until people stop
hoping & praying
and start doing.

What makes a realized being special is that he has risen above societies mediocrity and weakness and refuses to be pulled back down again.

on anything,
causes misery.

People who worry
about the future
are not taking care
of today.

What is the greatest challenge in life?
To see God in everyone and everything.

Accepting whatever
comes unasked for &
letting go of what is
no longer necessary
is called sanity.

There are no mistakes;
there are only experiments.

Only a man
with a silent mind
can rule the world.

The nature of greed is;
it never knows
when it's had enough.

Sabotaging oneself
is not natural.
It is a learned process.
Loving oneself
is a natural process.
If you don't know
how to love yourself,
it's very simple.
Stop sabotaging yourself.

No one
can give you
You give it to

Friday, March 25, 2011



When nothing appears
to be happening;
there's a lot happening!
All one can do is
remain stable in
conditions like this.

I don't help anyone
unless they ask me.
That way, I know
that they're ready.

Stubbornness & resistance
stop people asking for help
when they need it.


who care
too much
about survival
are motivated
by fear.
I am
by love.


If you want to support me ~ then support.
If you don't ~ keep out of my way.
I don't need your sabotage.

However you see yourself
is how others will see you.

It is harder
for a educated mind
to stop
than it is
a simple one.

These writings are based on
Fact::Brutal Truth.

All philosophy is,
is creating a language
to try and explain the

Philosophies change.
Religions come & go.
The Truth stays the same.

In 63 years of living
I have not changed a bit,
in spite of everything!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Whatever disturbs the Peace has to go,
no matter what it is.
It's not a philosophy,
it's a way of life.

There is no such thing
as choices for a
man of integrity.

Whatever you are not aware of is
choosing for you all the time.
So where do you fit into the picture?

If you're looking
for a World Savior,
look to yourself.

When you wake up,
nothing is as important.

expresses itself
in its' own
unique way.

There is no such thing as
uniqueness in ignorance.
Everyone is the same.

I ascribe to these words
and the Truth supports me.

The sound
that the
Sun makes.

You may call me 'Mr.OM'
until you get to know me better!


Enlightened beings do not argue the point.
They don't have one to argue with.
That is the domain of ignorance.

Life, what a subject!
One has to live it
to find out about it.

Even the loftiest ideals
fail to manifest sometime.



Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Once you
run out
of power
you turn
to hope.

Hope is a dead word.
Nice is another one.

Weakness relies on hope.
Strength relies on trust.
Which starts with yourself.

Are you interested
in going beyond hope?

People who
rely on hope
have no power.

Those who live
in hope
will die
in hope.

Why would a man need hope
when he has the power
to change the situation?
All he has to do is act
on his power.

Once you run
out of power
what do you
do next?
Rely on hope?

who hope
are not
in change.

First of all, propaganda convinces you
that you have power & control in your life,
then laws are enacted to stop you using it.

At the end of the day, what do I really know ~nothing, which is still not quite correct. Nothing implies that there was something there when in fact there never was anything there.

It's all in the mind, Mate.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


How do you spell consumer?

The Truth is in myself.
That is all I know.

You don't have to worry
about saying the wrong thing
when you're speaking the Truth.

Human Being
is the
first rung of
Jacobs' ladder.

It doesn't matter
how rich your are,
delusion is
the addiction.

You come into this world head-first, full of potential.
You leave this world feet-first, sucked dry by desires.

Before we start, lets' get one thing straight. Did you come into this world to get something or to give something?

The Planets
move everything.
Man imagines
he does it.

The need, itself, makes one aware of it. The need is for a heavy dose of reality. That is the medicine for the sickness & apathy of society.


'Absolutely' is your buzz word.
It is my unchangeable reality.

What I want
& what I don't want
doesn't matter.

is what
you are
not aware

What you are not aware of
causes you to believe
you were born into a world
as a person.
The rest of it,
you know.

How do you change the changeless?
It isn't possible.
That is the challenge for everyone.
Go ahead, try and change it.
I wish you well!
I will benefit from it.

If it's not fact
I'm f&*^ed!

Everyone loves attention. Me too! I AM the supreme attention whore. But let me tell you this; too much of it is not good as you will forget how to give it to yourself.

He's not coherent because
his mind is overheated.
Cool the mind &
rearrange its
molecular structure.

Even the commander
on the battlefield
takes orders!
I take orders
from no one.
End of story.

If you want to know what the planets are doing, don't look to the heavens, look to its affect on Earth. Whatever happens 'down here' is a reflection of what's happening 'up there'.

No one actually lives 'on' a planet. The planets exist within consciousness and affects consciousness. You have access to consciousness.

Even in deep sleep something has to stay awake in order to tell you, you are asleep. The first thing it tells you is that you are asleep. The second thing it tells you is what woke you up. The third thing it tells you is I love you.

Peoples' love comes and goes
but their fear remains constant.



A master violin player played a first-class concert. After the concert, whilst in his dressing room, an important newspaper critic visited him.
"I would like to congratulate you on your concert." Said the critic. "That violin that you played is the best sounding violin that I have heard for many a long year."
The master violinist walked over to where the violin case was sitting. He popped the locks, opened the lid, put his ear to the violin and listened.
He turned around and said to the critic, "Funny, I cannot hear a thing!"

Sunday, March 20, 2011



Modern life leaves
very little time to question.
Therefore, I will ask
the question for you.

You can’t create
what you already are,
but you can destroy
who you think you are.
Do it now and be free!
That took but a moment!

If it's not NOW,
it's no good to me.

Only those that are free
can celebrate independence.
If you are a slave
to a credit card,
forget about it.

Ask and you shall receive.
The answer resides
in the question.
The questioner resides
in the question.
The questioner seeks
the answer.
The answer destroys
the questioner.

Your women
are your
greatest treasure.
Better look
after them.

There can be
no integrity
without patience.

It only takes one spark
to make a fire.

It's not possible
to celebrate independence
when you've lost
so many freedoms.

How can you celebrate
what you don't value?

There is no difference
between freedom & life.

is free
to manifest
as it sees fit.

Once you manipulate life
then you become 100%
responsible for your actions
& the actions of your society.

There are
no innocents.

To understand the world
you have to step out of it~

I have been prepared
my whole life
for WHAT,
I do not know,
other than death.

No problems,
no obstacles,
no debts ~ &
Always good news.
Makes a good life,
doesn't it?

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Reincarnation is not
of the body & the person.
Once that's dead
it's gone forever ~ Amen!
Ideas & thoughts
are what reincarnate.

Look to your own mind
and see how many times
the same thought has arisen,
in your life.

Once one knows that
coming & going are
what need is there

The weak
are purposely 'helped'
into power positions.
The unseen
manipulate them
at will.

Politics were not designed for the benefit of the people. You elect a politician and send him to Congress with the expectation that he is going to represent your welfare. When you find out that he's not representing your welfare then there's only one other move one the board. Go there and represent yourself.


When there is
no will to do it
there is no way.

How do people live without it?
You can't live without it,
therefore you are forced & compelled
to live with it?
You can run around the world
your whole life looking for it &
you will not find it.

You can chase happiness
your whole life.
The reality is;
you are running
away from misery.

to be found
in books.
I make

When the two voids become one,
then you will know who I AM.

The real work happens
when one silences the mind.

The world is
a miserable place
without happy people.
Happy people
don't rely on things
to maintain their happiness.

Friday, March 18, 2011


Even the privileged
are victims of
their own delusions.

What right do you have to expect anything out of life? What have you done to earn it? What have you ever gone without so that others can have? Anyone who has given up anything that was dear to his heart and donated it to the upliftment of mankind knows what I am talking about. They know, first-hand-experience that life is an exercise in giving. They don't expect anything in return.

At the end of the day
all you will ever get
out of expectation is
grave disappointment.

Don't demand
what you
don't need.

If you have
no future
then what use
is imagination?

If you've got
something to lose,
how can you truly live?

If you've got all the answers
then the show's over, isn't it?

Thursday, March 17, 2011


When the music stops
there's no more

Everyone who lives in a society
has a duty not
to add to the problems.
Fail at that duty
& even bigger problems come.

Interest & resistance
can not live
under the same roof.

You cannot live a weak life & end up strong, likewise, you can't live a life of strength & integrity & end up weak. In my company, you will know how you've lived your life.

The reward for living
a life of integrity
a life of integrity

I am not against telling you
what to do with your carrot & stick.

Once you know the same disease
is everywhere, what's the point
in going anywhere?

Your indifference
to the suffering of others
is already bringing
suffering to your door.

Once the supermarket shelves are empty
you will have no problem, whatsoever,
relating to hunger.

Protecting women & children is selfish.
It ensures our survival.

If we're not all the same
then why does the hunger come back?

Only a hypocrite will say,
'I'm full' when another is empty.

Allowing weak people
into power positions
is a

The actions of an
undisciplined man
can only produce misery.
The actions of a
disciplined man
produce joy.

Looking for answers
is a fools game.

is born crying.
Very few
die laughing.

True power
has to be taken.
It cannot be given.
Do you have have
what it takes?

The mirror
doesn’t care
who looks into it.

If there is a hole
for it to get in,
then there is a hole
for it to get out.


is a unique form
of insanity

Radical change
radical action.

True understanding
is not
a ‘me’.

I can
give it?
Can you
take it?

One can
only be free
from what
one understands.

The switch
that turns the TV off
is the same switch
that turns interest on.

A peaceful mind
is the basis
of a
joy-filled life,

If you
take the lesser,
you cannot
have the greater.

Mind is
the scaffolding
that holds

Supreme Reality
is the

Death is
not of the being,
it is the
death of time.

repeated over
and over again
disguises itself
as truth.

Courage doesn’t float
on the ocean like seaweed,
one has to go to the bottom
to discover it.

A fully developed mind
is a silent one.
A fully developed heart
is sweet.
It only knows how to give.

Societies survival
depends on one
Supreme law.
When there are
two laws
that is a sure sign
of societies demise.

People who hope
have no power.

shapes life.
Deep commitment
manifests a
potent life.

never woke
anyone up.

One who is in debt
has no quality of life.

If you can
imagine it,
that’s not it.

All expectation
ever led to was

Anyone can say it,
not everyone can
feel it.

In order to truly live,
you have to stand
behind your actions.

I stand
behind the truth.
That is all you
will ever get from me.

People who don’t waste time
are the masters of time.

Guilt comes
out of the past.
It never comes
out of the future.

Stubbornness is a weakness.
One uses it to hide behind
to deal with anger.

Protecting yourself from love
is an act of violence.

Living life
in the world
is preparation
for leaving.

If you believe
in reincarnation
don’t you have to
leave to come back?

All coming & going
is total fantasy.

Don’t wait
for time,
there isn’t
enough left.

Grace is
showered upon one
in direct proportion
to their
listening ability.

While you are
reading these words,
know that I AM
watching you.

I am giving you clues.
Use your mind to
investigate the ultimate mystery –
your very own beautiful self.

If you can’t see it
Wash your eyes out.
Ignorance is like a
speck of dirt in the eye.

Were everyone fed at the same time
and not a living soul missed
there would be no more hunger on this planet.

there was one
there was zero.

Don’t forget
to read between the lines.
The words are merely pointers.

No one knows what
they will stand for
till they find out what
they refuse to stand for.
What’s left? That’s it.

Better to have
five minutes of quality than
fifty years of quantity.

Life inhabits.
Consciousness owns
shapes and forms.
You own zero.
The meek shall
inherit the earth.

The closer
a man lives to zero
the shorter distance
he has to go home.

to zero.

Absolute & complete trust
is the power of manifestation.

I was perfect the
first day on this planet.
I will be perfect when I leave,
free of contamination.

is a natural state.
is learned.

To appreciate it
you have to be
aware of it.

There are
worlds of differences
between the idea of freedom
and true freedom.
True freedom
does not need telling
all the time
that it’s free.

In tune
the times.

The nature of greed
is that it never knows
when it’s had enough.

Anything that is limited
is doomed before it starts.

One cannot drop
what they don’t know.
What one is not aware of
will not let them go.

Once the church
becomes more opulent
than the people
it is called corruption.

Man is a slave to the gods.
Man does not need gods.
It is the gods that have
convinced man that he does.

Shallow breathers
are not deep beings.

It does not matter
how long it takes.
Truth cannot lose.

All likes and dislikes
have a price tag.
Likes and dislikes
are rich mans neuroses.
Poor people cannot afford them.

Reality is
in the subject
not in the object.

When you give an
inanimate object
a name,
it becomes an entity.

Q: What is the basis of listening?
A: Interest.

Take care
of the little things;
the big things will
take care of themselves.

Getting what one wants
does not lead to happiness.

is an
aspect of time.

No one can
fake interest.
You either
are or you’re not.

half-hearted results.

Life is like a fishing net.
Focus on the hole, not on the net.
That is what fish do.
Even fish have that ability.


The mirror doesn’t care
who looks into it.


Radical change
radical action.

The Guru starts
where imagination ends.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011



You can’t create what you already are, but
you can destroy who you think you are.
Do it now and be free!

What does it matter
if you believe the truth
or disbelieve it?
It makes no difference.

Laughing & praying are equal.
They are both great ways to
communicate with God,

One more mouthful
is the seed of greed.

creates a
false sense
of security.

If you didn’t
have pain
how would you know
you had a body?

is the language one creates
in an attempt to describe
the indescribable.


In order
for steel
to be made,
to die.

I remember you
I create you.

There is more to you
than meets the eye.

creates a false
sense of security.

With the movie
comes the viewer.

The shock of enlightenment
is that nothing changes!

The only way to
learn tolerance
is to tolerate.

No one compels you
to tolerate fools.

In order to see tomorrow,
in order to live for one more day,
What are you prepared to give up-



Tuesday, March 15, 2011



is a big

There is a difference
between liberal &
lack of discipline.

Give stupidity a little bit of power
and you have a problem on your hands.

Manifested Power.

Instability of mind + power = disaster!

One of the
hardest aspects
of the work
is to sit
and do

If we are all different
then why do we all
chase pleasure
and run away from pain?

It's the idea of Enlightenment
that gets in the way of it.

I have investigated many, many things
and they all lead back to the same place.

Monday, March 14, 2011


If there wasn't a God
there wouldn't be any atheists.
There would not be anything
to disbelieve in.

To know God, first,
you have to drop
your concepts of Him.

the only idea
worth fighting for.

Check your feelings
next time someone
denies your existence.

All the distractions go with the electricity. The first 11 years of my life I lived without electricity. I know what I'm talking about.

The more one is dependent on,
the less chance of their survival.

The nature of fear
is weakness. Once
people can't handle
any more fear
then riots ensue.

is a form of stupidity &
stupidity is dangerous.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


If you respect food
you will never be hungry.

Desire works best
when you desire
what you deserve.

It doesn't cost anything
to be civil and polite
with each other.

Is there enough value
left in the dollar
to keep one alive?

In order to lead
one has to know
where they are going.

Now the world needs me;
and a good dose too!

Great leaders
know where to lead
because they've been
there before.

There are no
Maori children
in orphanages.

Close the inner doors
and live your life in

A society that looks after its' elders
& respects them gets to live another day.

I've looked at it.
I've dealt with it,
& I've gone beyond it.

No air
no action.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


If you don't have control
over your own life force,
don't assume you are in
control of your daily life.

Limited expressions
cause frustration.

does not
want to be

My loss
my gain

Whatever happens
to you in life,
find the humor in it
& turn it into a positive.

Once you give up everything,
then, and only then,
can you have a
relationship with love.

Whilever you are within consciousness
or experiencing consciousness,
you can not help the world
or the people in it.

Drop out of the world
into my world and you
will find that the world
is a figment of your imagination.

Reading these words is for your mind.
Between the lines I wrote something
for your heart.
I Love You.

That's all I came here to tell you.
When you're happy I am happy.
When you are sad, I am sad.
Hurt yourself and you hurt me.
Love yourself and you will love me.

Who am I?
Guru Om

In my world
you can't have
your cake & eat it.

feed on fear.

Friday, March 11, 2011


Experience is not personal.
It is impersonal.
There is no such thing as
'my experience' and if
experience was where it
was at, surely you'd have
had enough by now.

Only people who have spent
a long time, totally alone,
know how to entertain themselves.

A mans' weakness, sickness & disease
are the result of loss of sperm.
If it can create a child then surely
it can keep you healthy,
given an opportunity.

Interest & resistance
can not live
under the same roof.

You cannot live a weak life and end up strong, likewise, you can't live a life of strength and integrity and end up a weak piece of shit. In my company you will know how you've lived your life.

The reward for living
a life of integrity is
a life of integrity.

I am not against telling you
what to do with your 'carrot & stick.'

Once you know
the same disease
is everywhere,
what's the point
in going anywhere?

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Once you create problems
you have to care, otherwise,
they get bigger & bigger.

It's either good for all
or good for nothing.

I support
Brutal Honesty
whenever I find it.

I destroy
on contact.

I can do it,
so can you!

How can you expect others
to see what you can't?

To keep the mind focused.

Whatever keeps
your mind

Better look after
the light in the lighthouse,
lest you run aground.

They are not humans
so they have no regard
for humanity.

Collateral damage
does not cut
the cake.

They have a good sense of humor,
the Australian Aborigines.
They'd have to,
to survive
for so long.

To always know where home is,
anytime, night or day.
And if you don't,
one could say,
you were lost.

I never liked
conning myself
for any reason.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011



is a facet
on the diamond
of generosity.

You cannot buy time.
You can only create it
by not filling it up.

Right action occurs
when one gets in touch
with the situation;
acts accordingly & responds correctly.
To do that one needs a quiet mind.

How much peace can I manifest?
Now, that's what I call a challenge!

Don't ever put anything between yourself and God. You do not need an intermediary. Does the Prince need the Prime Minister to get an appointment with his father, the King?

That's the problem with Time,
there just isn't enough of it.
Once you know how to create it,
you never run out of it.

Hard work
sound character.



Man appears
with everything
he needs.

will ever happen
until people stop
hoping & praying
and start doing!

What makes a realized being special
is that he has risen above societies
mediocrity and weakness and refuses
to be pulled back down again.

on anything,
causes misery.

People who worry
about the future
are not taking care
of today.

What is the
greatest challenge
in life?
To see God
in everyone
and everything.

Accepting whatever
comes unasked for &
letting go of what is
no longer necessary
is called sanity.

There are no mistakes;
there are only experiments.

Only a man
with a silent mind
can rule the world.

The nature of greed is;
it never knows
when it's had enough.

Sabotaging oneself
is not natural.
It is a learned process.
Loving oneself
is a natural process.
If you don't know
how to love yourself,
it's very simple.
Stop sabotaging yourself.

No one
can give you
You give it to

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


When one knows nothing
they know everything
because there's nothing
to know.

Greed is based on quantity.
Love is based on quality.

When you are looking
for something
you need a world
to look for it in.

Staying open to the unknown
in life
is the formula
for living life to
its fullest.

Once you fill up
all your time,
you're out of it!

In my life,
anything that
isn't positive
has to go.


Bad feelings
are not pleasant
things to
carry around.

Forgive them
for they
know not
what they do.

You don't have
to do what
I've done
in life.
I've already
done it.

If you have
a sweet tooth,
you're welcome
to eat the
of my labor.

Why people can't fly
is because they are
attached to the Earth.


my life
until the

No thought
No shape
No form
shapeless &

I live it.

Stop seeing yourself
as the performer of actions
and you will find out that
coming and going is Godly.

The road to freedom
lies beyond labels.

When you've convinced yourself
that there is no where to go,
then you'll always be home.


Whether you're stuck
with no money
or stuck with
all the money
in the world;
stuck is stuck.

Once mankind ceases
to care about
his own kind,
he can no longer

You don't look for,
You look at.

Any fool can sabotage
A wise man destroys.
That is the challenge!

Whatever you
can't control
is good for you.
Enjoy it!

When you
don't want
where is the
need for time?

Monday, March 7, 2011


Question everything..

You will only give up
when you've given it
your best shot.

Commitment to Peace;
Whatever disturbs it
get rid of it.

You can't have
Peace of mind
with disturbances.

I want for you
what I want
for myself.
You're happy,
I'm happy.

Without a good mind
how can one experience
their heart?
It isn't possible.

The newness wears off
the minute you step
out of the shop.
"Buy me, buy me,
I'll make you happy!"

Sunday, March 6, 2011


is what happens
when thought stops
interfering with action.

It's not going to be a happy ending,
that man has sunk so low that
he's torturing his own kind.

Getting people into debt is
the ultimate form of control.

If you can feel more determined
at the end of the day than you
were at the beginning;
success is close at hand.

Whatever I see,
It's my job to
take care of it
in whatever way my
intelligence demands.

"Everyone has an effect."
"Yeah, but what kind?"

Isn't it insanity to
think something twice?
At the first sign - seek help!

Original thought
comes from there.

When the
momentum stops,
you drop...

"If you're talking to me
you either want something
or you've lost everything."

A valuable lesson:
Do not talk about something that is not your direct experience or you will get caught. You may say, "I have heard it said.."

The blackboard
doesn't remember
what you wiped off it.

Torture & slavery
has been
the downfall
of every Empire.
What makes you think
that America will
be any different?

A good man knows
when enough's enough.

your heart.


Necessities always get supported.
Wants & don't-wants don't.

The only way to survive is
through stability of mind.

Situations are not permanent.
How can life be permanent?
The world is made up of situations;
no situations - no world.

All Karma means is;
an incorrect response
to the situation.
Correct responses
do not create Karma.
Karma simply means;
doing nothing in the
absence of something.
Karma simply means
wrong actions.

Your world is as you believe it to be.
Withdraw your belief and it ceases to exist.

The man with a silent mind
has no 'personal world'.

A 'person'
is glued
by concepts.

Don't take it personal
and it will cease to exist.

The childs' first breath is out.
The Sadhus' last breath is in.

Everyones' world
hangs on one breath.

You may like to live
to the ripe old age of 100,
but is it necessary?

Politics are there
to confuse the people,
not to help them.

How can you move it if you can't feel it?
If you are moved to do something,
then you must have felt it.

have I met a
I didn't like.

This blog is for people
who are having a hard time
growing up.

that I
have ever met
has given me

You can't
go to Heaven
without dying.

There is only conflict
on the surface of life.

In my world
there are no
and no conflicts.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Just because 10,000 people
believe it's right
doesn't mean it is.
I'm living proof of that.

When you ask for help
when you don't need it,
don't expect it.

All you can really do
to help is to see the
best in everyone.
That will bring out
the best in you.

What one sees
in others is
within ourselves.
It is a reflection
of something within.

What you
give to others
you get to

Friday, March 4, 2011


Are they your desires
or the corporations
Do you desire the
new sneakers or do the
corporations desire that
you buy the sneakers?

Consumers are people
who fulfill the desires
of the corporations.

Duality does not have
two separate goals.
It is in opposition to
the one goal.

War comes out of two people
fighting for the same thing.

The first sense
is common sense.
It comes with knowing

Actions show me
how much common sense
a society has.

One cannot progress to
the second sense until
common sense is mastered.

In a society that does not
feel for each other,
they haven't obtained
common sense.

Man has no
anchor in life
without principles.
He gets tossed
around by the waves
and tossed onto rocks.


The world will always be as it is
As long as people are the same.
When people stop and look again
There'll be no pleasure and no pain.

The world is like a great big screen
On which you all project your dream.
The only thing I know that's real
Is the power behind the wheel.

Freedom is now
Where else can it be?
Freedom is now
All you have to do is see.

We live our fantasies and dreams
We cram our images in jeans
We haunt the shopping mall and street
Projecting on the ones we meet.

We hurt the ones we love the most
As we race to the winning post.
We never stop to think and care
Just as long as we get there.

We live our lives in fear and hope
In dark despair we often grope.
Ghosts and demons haunt our mind.
We feel we have an axe to grind.

We tell each other how it is
We think that life is one big quiz
The knowledge that we belch and spew
Is rooted in the me and you.

We chase success in empty worlds
We act like foolish boys and girls.
We laugh, we cry, we curse and scream
As we drown in our private dream.

And on it goes until the end
Until we find we cannot bend.
The life that we lived hopefully
Has ended up in memories.

Freedom is now
Where else can it be?
Freedom is now
All you have to do is see.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


To dream
the American Dream
you have to be asleep.

When you don't know
where you come from
how will you know
where you're going?

Certain information
comes with
certain configurations.

The object and the subject
appear & disappear together.
The subject comes
out of the object.

You cannot
invent something
unless you've
seen it.

There is no such thing
as programmed Reality.
Reality shatters programs.

I have no problem
with programmed consciousness.
De-programmed consciousness
is known as Awareness.

A deluded mind
is as bad as
putting a thick, black blanket
over a light bulb.

There is no such thing
as darkness.
There is only the absence
of light.

Your asking
tells me,
You're ready
to listen.

I have attained much in my stay on this Planet. Ask and I will give it to you. It's no good to me anymore. If you don't ask, that will be a shame. Shame on you for missing an opportunity.

What I have done
you don't have to do;
if you know how to
enjoy the fruits of my labor.

Work is
all I know.


Sweetness is in the tongue
not in the sugar.
Those with bitter tongues
wouldn't know that.

The image on the screen
doesn't make anything happen.
It's the power
behind the screen
that makes it happen.
To the blind,
they know nothing of it.

How large is the mind
that it contains
this world & the planets &
everything else in it?

If you are going to
give your time to something,
make sure it's something you like.