How do you spell consumer?
The Truth is in myself.
That is all I know.
You don't have to worry
about saying the wrong thing
when you're speaking the Truth.
Human Being
is the
first rung of
Jacobs' ladder.
It doesn't matter
how rich your are,
delusion is
the addiction.
You come into this world head-first, full of potential.
You leave this world feet-first, sucked dry by desires.
Before we start, lets' get one thing straight. Did you come into this world to get something or to give something?
The Planets
move everything.
Man imagines
he does it.
The need, itself, makes one aware of it. The need is for a heavy dose of reality. That is the medicine for the sickness & apathy of society.
'Absolutely' is your buzz word.
It is my unchangeable reality.
What I want
& what I don't want
doesn't matter.
is what
you are
not aware
What you are not aware of
causes you to believe
you were born into a world
as a person.
The rest of it,
you know.
How do you change the changeless?
It isn't possible.
That is the challenge for everyone.
Go ahead, try and change it.
I wish you well!
I will benefit from it.
If it's not fact
I'm f&*^ed!
Everyone loves attention. Me too! I AM the supreme attention whore. But let me tell you this; too much of it is not good as you will forget how to give it to yourself.
He's not coherent because
his mind is overheated.
Cool the mind &
rearrange its
molecular structure.
Even the commander
on the battlefield
takes orders!
I take orders
from no one.
End of story.
If you want to know what the planets are doing, don't look to the heavens, look to its affect on Earth. Whatever happens 'down here' is a reflection of what's happening 'up there'.
No one actually lives 'on' a planet. The planets exist within consciousness and affects consciousness. You have access to consciousness.
Even in deep sleep something has to stay awake in order to tell you, you are asleep. The first thing it tells you is that you are asleep. The second thing it tells you is what woke you up. The third thing it tells you is I love you.
Peoples' love comes and goes
but their fear remains constant.