Tuesday, August 31, 2010
One can only live
in the moment,
in the now.
"How can you live in the now?"
"Very simple. You dwell in the past, now & you imagine the future, now. Most would see it as a prison. For those who can't find their way out of ignorance & delusion, are they not prisoners?"
People who don't
handle change very well,
could always dive
into the void.
The difficulties in life
are there to remind one
that they are a great being.
Monday, August 30, 2010
If you want to know
about God, focus on
the Word.
Just the fact that there is a temporary world
means the mind is not perfect.
Lucky for all that
perfection includes imperfection.
Alcohol, drugs & bad breeding,
a good combination do not make.
Lack of self-worth
will get you in debt.
If you put it on the card
then you are not worth it.
"Go on,
turn the stones
into bread!"
There are very hard lessons to learn in life,
such as attachment and desires.
'The desire to live is the messenger of death'.
is to
shape &
Everyday I look,
more dominoes
are falling.
The suffering
in life
makes one look.
what the mind
believes in &
believe in.
You may not
be interested
in me now
but you will be
on your deathbed!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
The Guru introduces you to God,
then lets you get on with it.
You can have a
direct relationship with God.
You don't need a 'go-between'.
Religion is a 'go-between'.
You try getting away from that!
All the laws of Nature
that have been broken;
there will be retribution for it.
I have top clearance.
Can't get any higher than that.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Vote 'no-confidence'.
That's the only vote
that is going to count.
It's the only vote
that can't be hacked.
You can't imagine
what you've never seen.
One is born into a world
of their own creation.
One puts themselves
in the center of it
as the I AM.
Installing a fantasy
at the center
of your world
can only cause grief.
Only the living have problems.
You never hear the dead
complaining where their
next meal is coming from.
What's the point of climbing to the top
if you're just going to go down in the Maya?
The eye sees
by reflection only.
How many people desire
an attitude adjustment?
The Law of Karma
reigns supreme.
Friday, August 27, 2010
If I can't change it
why get involved in it?
You can only
be as deep
as your thinking.
The way
to deal with pain
is head-on;
no crutches
or supports.
The old world,
from the
standpoint of Reality,
I created it
so, therefore,
I am able
to destroy it.
There is no such thing as joy in the world.
The joy is in you.
Once you get deep inside yourself,
one word can trigger it.
Laziness is a crime against humanity. Don't blame lack of energy for a mental condition.The cure is called 'attitude-adjustment. Mental chiropractics.
there are no
Were you to want to time-travel,
you have to free yourself
from the prison of Time.
Masters of Time
are Time-less.
They can appear
& disappear any
time they so choose.
A Master of Time
has one foot
in this world
& one foot in the void.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
You get more from me
than your AAA card.
Be careful
what you create,
you may not
be able to destroy it.
That being the case,
it will destroy you.
the catalyst
that transmutes
lead into Gold.
the touchstone.
Touch me once &
turn to Gold.
I make
the rich man poor &
the poor man rich.
The first echo
is the real one,
all the rest
are false.
When you don't treat people
in a humane way,
you deny them their feelings.
Only a 'non-feeler' can do that.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Once you've done your best
& still haven't changed it;
you are in the New World.
Belief systems
are in the
Slavery is
the point
of no
First it was a black fella'
who was a slave,
now it's the white fella'
who's the slave.
Everyone has
their day
in the sun,
white or black.
All Empires are
founded on violence &
they end the same way.
Why does one have to
go to jail
for stealing paper
when it's not backed by Gold?
Feel compassion for the rich man;
his delusions are millions more than yours.
People with
too much excess
are losers.
There are no real men anymore
due to the fact that
there's no real work.
When you don't look
at the disease
you'll have to
defend the symptoms.
The symptoms point
to the future.
Ignore them at your peril.
The greatest power, on this Earth, is the Truth. Look how many people are afraid of it. Look it in the eyes and see it for yourself. Fear of the Truth implies love of ignorance.
Feel compassion
for the ignorant;
they know no better.
A common enemy
will unite mankind.
Once man realizes he has become
the food supply of greed,
he will open his heart
to his fellow beings.
How can a man call his fellow man 'sheeple' when he has never been in the company of a sheep? Those kinds of people are not people, they are plants, & you can take that anyway you like.
I rose to the challenge and succeeded. The 17 Italians tried to take it away from me & that's another story I'll tell you one day.
can not be expected.
It's called 'dead weight'
when lightness has left the body.
"Why do they say 'Amen' and not Awomen?"
"Because we sing 'hims' not 'hers'?
A New World Order
cannot manifest
before a Nuclear war.
Nuclear wars create
New World Orders.
...and for the control freaks,
a good dose of witness consciousness.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Once commitment takes root
it is beyond your control,
therefore, be careful
what you commit to.
My new life didn't start
until the old life untied.
Untie your past or
drag it through life with you.
While the boat is
tied up to the dock
it appears quite large.
Out on the Ocean
it appears like a cork.
One has to leave ignorant worlds behind.
One does not have to be highly creative,
just focus the mind on the
Destruction of Ignorance.
When you wake up from a dream
do you cry for the characters
in it that have just died?
Your waking is their
death and destruction.
To get free of
you have to risk
The world
and you
appear & disappear
I refuse
to allow anything
in my life
that does not
produce joy.
There is enough
drama, pain & suffering
in this world
without me
adding to it.
Every disaster
is a blessing
in disguise.
Playing with delusion
rarely makes one happy.
If you want something new
to manifest in your life
or a new life
then new thinking
is required.
Thinking clouds vision.
Contemplation clears it.
Stay positive &
take it
I have
risen above
as much
as I
To tell oneself
the Truth,
one has to
have great love
for themselves.
True happiness doesn't come & go.
Happiness is.
It comes with the Being.
When one bases
their life on fact
they don't have to
deal with drama.
is a gift from God.
What do we do with it?
Give it to others.
The amount of crime
in Society
is in direct proportion to the
amount of corruption
in the Government.
Why should I give to
someone who can't take it?
I don't keep people
in my life who can't give it.
The Military
is the rich mans'
private army.
Without discipline
the fear of death
The disciplined man
becomes more & more
You will never hear a man with patience say,
"I wonder how long I have to wait?"
Wrong purpose
will never
There are no choices
without control.
There is no control
without discipline.
Anyone who tells me
they have choices,
I know they
have no discipline.
One without
is weak.
Discipline & a quiet mind
go hand in hand.
the strong
will survive.
I only want to be
around people
who can accept Love.
If they can take it,
they can give it.
There is no such thing as God without Man
and no such thing as Man without God.
Rather than using God
as an order supplier~
send Him your expense account!
It takes
a great deal of
Trust to Trust.
Whatever produces
fear has to go.
Once you stop chasing
it will start chasing you.
If you don't have
an inquisitive mind,
you're dead!
Each joke has
its own comedian
to tell it.
'The jokes on you'.
Monday, August 23, 2010
People create their own problems by identifying with the 'good' things that their mind creates or conversely dis-identifying with the 'not so good things'. You are either responsible for all of it or none of it. You cannot have it both ways. You are either awake or asleep, enlightened or ignorant. There are no half measures.
You're only
a person
if you take it
I don't talk to persons.
I talk to ones
who don't come & go.
I live
In the middle,
every moment
is a peak moment.
When you're living life
there's nothing to look
forward to,
or conversely,
nothing to
look backwards for.
The Inner Pulse,
the Absolute,
at some stage,
wants to know itself.
(That's where you come in Yorky Mate!)
In order for That to happen
there has to be two,
hence, everyone
talks to themselves.
The 'doer'
& the 'done-to'
are both phonies.
A stable mind
does not claim
You too will be like me
after the nuclear war.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Imagination never changed
'business as usual'.
War never ever
bore the fruit
of peace.
First comes
second comes
Understand the mechanics of your mind
and be free from its' illusions.
In order for ignorance to be destroyed
something has to be sacrificed.
The quality of thinking,
or lack thereof,
shapes and forms ones' life.
That's what the world is made of ~
A pair of opposites.
Things get done
when the talking stops.
There is no world
without you ~ right?
Accepting what comes in
and accepting what goes out.
No influence, no power,
leads to frustration and anger.
The challenge
of making the attempt
keeps one on their toes.
Once you have had everything
taken away from you,
you don't need
to practice Gratitude.
If you have to
ask what to do ~
then don't do it.
Don't create problems,
then you won't have
any obstacles in your life.
The Gurus' function is to put you in the right position.
That is his part. Your part is 'resist ye not!'
There is enough
drama, pain & suffering
in the world
without adding to it.
Every disaster
is a blessing
in disguise.
God is perfect. God created man in his own image. Therefore, you are perfect.
If you don't believe me then you better have a chat with Him and ask Him why he made you imperfect.
Playing with delusion
rarely makes one happy.
If you want something new
to manifest
in your life
or a new life,
then new thinking
is required.
Thinking clouds vision.
Contemplation clears it.
You deserve everything.
Can you give yourself so much?
The reflections are different but the source of light remains the same, like sparks from a fire they are all different but they come from the same fire.
Positive thinking
eradicates worry.
God implants the idea to seek out the Guru.
The Gurus' job is to introduce you to God.
There can never be
enough laughter in life.
Suffering will prod you
towards the Ocean of Love.
If I don't exist,
the world doesn't exist.
Once you break the laws of Nature,
don't expect Nature to support you.
Once one accepts
a concept
it appears real.
Whenever Nature makes an exception
to one of its laws,
Man calls it a miracle.
Life is always changing.
It's Man who gets stuck.
Only great Beings
can drag society
up to higher levels
of consciousness.
He does this by refusing
to allow society
to drag him down.
If one allows Life
to do the guiding,
everything will be alright.
One has to be fully present or fully absent.
Floating around in the middle means you are stuck.
to feel.
Stick with the basic, simple facts
and you can't go wrong.
Without bottomless Trust
how can one live life
to the fullest?
To get attention
you have to pay attention.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
All my talking
is about ending
pain & suffering.
The world means delusion.
The World is not 'out there',
The World is in the mind.
A person
is a limited way
of seeing oneself.
If you untie your children from your apron strings before they are fully trained, don't be surprised when they get into trouble.
When the child is in pain,
so is the Mother.
When the Mother is in pain,
so is the child.
Everyone know when Mother is in pain.
It is a Universal feeling.
When children cause problems in Society,
why punish the child? Look to the mother.
When a dog causes problems, look to the master.
Sins are committed
out of ignorance.
Destroy ignorance
& sin does not exist.
The next time you fill up your car at the gas-station, ask yourself this question; How many more mothers and children have to die in order that I may drive my car? How far will a car drive with a petrol tank full of blood?
Living in an oil-rich country may appear to be a blessing, at first sight. Look closer and you will find that it's a curse. At the end of the day the ones who consume the most will suffer the most. True humans do not consume. Parasites consume. Parasites consume what they don't need. It is in their nature. Allowing yourself to be labeled a 'consumer' is an insult. Societies suffers from the disease called 'consumption'.
When is enough, enough?
Greed does not recognize the word 'enough'.
At any given moment, you are free to say 'NO! Enough is enough!'
Ask a 2-year old child about the power of 'NO!'
In the Aboriginal society, whatever you take from the Earth puts you in debt to Her. To balance the books, the Earth demands blood.
To eradicate drug pushers from Society, law-enforcement will go after 'the pushers'. When a president of a country tells you that you are addicted to oil, tell him to go after the 'pushers' and that you will deal with the suffering of addiction. It's called 'withdrawal!'
Warfare is a sure sign
of a societies impotence.
Once a society stands by and allows it's military to bomb domestic sites, such as water supplies, electricity supplies and food supplies, then know that we all live on a battlefield.
Do unto others
as you would
have them do unto us.
It is the law of Nature.
Break that law and
suffer the consequences.
As a child at the dinner table, I once told my Father, "I don't like this." His reply was, "The trouble with you boy, is that you are too well-fed." He took the food off my plate and ate it. He then said, "In the first World War I was a soldier in the trenches for 3 years. I have seen men trying to eat their own shit and drink their own piss in order to stay alive! And you, turn your nose up at good food? You don't deserve it!"
Truth is spoken
over the breath.
Lies are muttered
under the breath.
Neurotic eating habits
and a troubled mind
go hand-in-hand.
Do not claim to be human and demonize another man to the point where you can kill him with a clear conscience and then claim, "It's alright, he's not human!"
When a designer handbag costs more money than a third-world family makes in 5 years then, surely, we are doomed.
In my world, one mans gain is every mans' gain.
On Earth, one mans' gain is another mans' loss.
Show a dog love once
and it will never forget.
So it is with the Guru.
A dog cannot have 2 masters.
It only causes confusion.
Confusion does not a happy dog make.
Once one deals with blame
where is the need for praise?
When you put out 'shock and awe',
don't be surprised when it comes back to you.
Birth does not give you
the right to claim
that you are human.
'By their actions shall ye know them.'
Getting rid of guns does not eradicate killing.
A boy once killed a man with a slingshot and a pebble!
Any fool can kill.
Not any fool can Love.
The reason we are afraid and paranoid
of another country dropping a
Nuclear bomb on us
is because we've already done it!
Mans' own actions
create fear & paranoia.
Once you're out of tune,
your song will be out of tune.
It will not sound pleasant to the ear.
Love & Peace are non-negotiable.
They are states of being.
True Peace will manifest by its' own power,
when man has had enough of war and killing.
When is enough, enough?
A man who doesn't know
that he's had enough to eat,
doesn't know when
he's had enough of anything!
Love & the heart
Do not look to me for answers.
The answers are in yourself.
Anyone who has lived
a tortuous life is
well & truly equipped
to handle anything.
You may believe that
you have been chasing
pleasure most of your life.
The actuality is,
you have been running
away from pain.
When I lived in the Bush,
my work was learning
how to survive.
doesn't like
letting go.
It never
gives up
Friday, August 20, 2010
You would be
surprised at
what you are
capable of
were the
to be created.
In the military they give you the basic training on how to survive on the battlefield. On the battlefield, you refine it. Likewise in life.
is not of the being,
it is the
death of time.
repeated over & over again,
disguises itself as truth.
Courage doesn’t float
on the ocean
like seaweed.
One has to go to
the bottom
to discover it.
A fully developed mind
is a silent one.
A fully developed heart
is sweet.
It only knows
how to give.
Societies survival
depends on
one supreme law.
When there are two laws,
that is a sure sign
of societies demise.
People who hope
have no power.
shapes life.
Deep commitment
manifests a potent life.
never woke
anyone up.
One who is in debt
has no quality of life.
If you can
imagine it,
that’s not it.
All expectation
ever led to was
Anyone can say it,
not everyone can feel it.
In order to truly live,
you have to stand
behind your actions.
I stand behind the truth.
That is all you will
ever get from me.
People who
don’t waste Time
are Masters of Time.
Guilt comes
out of the past.
It never comes
out of the future.
Stubbornness is a weakness.
One uses it to hide behind
so that they don’t have to
deal with anger.
Protecting yourself from love
is an act of violence.
Living life
in the world
is preparation
for leaving.
If you believe in reincarnation
don’t you have to leave to come back?
All coming & going
is total fantasy.
Man is not in tune
with the Elements.
No good will
come of it.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
A loving heart
will always want
to share something.
the penny drops
will be
the same.
If I can
do it
any fool
do it.
On your deathbed
it's too late.
A blank can only reflect
back what you put in.
Lack of disturbance is a blank.
In Dominoes, there is a double blank.
Double 6 is the ultimate disturbance.
belief systems
are dreams.
You will be awake
when you know that
waking & sleeping
is a dream;
as with
coming & going.
What makes
a dream
to be real
excessive interest.
The power behind these words
is potent enough to destroy you
& what you believe yourself to be.
People do not
come looking
to me for hope;
they come
looking for me
when all hope
is gone.
Death of this
is the birth
of that.
Cavemen mentality
is playing itself out
with modern weaponry.
What will
the military
do to survive?
All that
happens is
Fallout of Transmutation.
Even a crow
can recognize
acts of kindness.
Can you?
'hope' & 'nice' are dead words.
They are weak ways of communicating.
The power is in TRUST.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
The color is
in the light
not in the flower.
For those of you who will not share
For those of you who do not care
For those of you who will not bend
Well, it's fast coming to an end.
When you find, inside yourself, what never changes; that, that doesn't change. That's what you will be left with when time stops.
When Time stops
those 'things'
won't exist
Without the vowels
there is no such a thing
as writing, talking & thinking.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
If the only flowers
on the Planet were roses
it would be quite boring.
The violence is
in the culture.
In order to get well
it has to come out.
There are only two ways
the violence can come out;
hard, physical labor
and war.
You can't have stability
without discipline.
Without discipline
you are not living;
you are merely existing.
One creates
all their own problems
through what they entertain.
Be careful who you
invite to the party.
Equality consciousness
starts at home.
I'll leave the construction business to you.
I'm in the destruction business.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Everything you see is
Supreme Intelligence
in a limited form.
The Unlimited you are.
Act on it.
It will become actual
rather than conceptual.
As in the child-like state.
All talk
about Silence
disturbs it.
He told me he was going on a silence retreat.
I told him, better not take your mind with you then.
My words will not
fill your mind,
they will empty it.
The absence of disturbances
will lead you to it.
To 'want' is a symptom
of a disturbed mind.
Genuine needs
are always met.
When you look inside;
if you can't focus your mind,
what are you going to see?
Being in debt
is not a
laughing matter.
Sun Flares &
the the gold market
are not compatible.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
The world is
full of answers,
but very few
good questions.
Whatever the
Government denies,
know it to be true.
What was it like being born?
What was your experience of it.
I'd love to hear about it.
Focus on
what never moves.
How do I know
it never moves?
If it does,
that's obviously
not it!
less is more.
No one can hurt your feelings.
Everyone is responsible
for their own feelings.
He's so
he no
Timeless truth.
It applies
at all times,
As a child, I was dependent on my Mother until the first time she let me down. From that point on, I became self-dependent.
One can not go beyond what they do not comprehend. To go beyond anything one needs a good command of the language. To enter my world one has to master the language of Silence.
To silence the mind
of idle chatter,
give it some
interesting work to do.
"If brains were gunpowder, you wouldn't
have enough to blow your hat off."
- George
The more pain and suffering one is in
the easier it is to say,"please help me!"
The less resistance there is,
the easier it is to say,
"please help me!"
When a man is swimming around having fun,
he doesn't ask for help.
He has to be drowning to ask for help.
At that point, it's too late.
While everyone is 'talking' about something, nothing will happen. Not until the 'talking' stops will the 'doing' start. 'Talking' about it is a sure-fire way of stopping it.
If you don't have anything
of substance yourself,
how can you give?
People who are
riddled with fear
need belief systems.
Do it right.
Do it once.
You don't have
to do it again.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Can a
hurt you?
If you don't like it
don't read it.
If you don't understand it~
keep reading.
Reality show.
The only way the
Middle East will survive
is if they put their
differences aside & become allies.
It's all the same
to the man
that's seen it all.
It's all the same
to the man
that's beyond it all.
Where is the information coming from?
I get mine directly from the Source.
When do you get yours from?
The revolution
has been canceled
due to
lack of interest.
No interest
No Enlightenment
Friday, August 13, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
How do you spell consumer?
The Planets move everything.
Man imagines he does it.
The need, itself,
makes one aware of it.
The need is for a
heavy dose of reality.
That is the medicine for
the sickness & apathy of society.
'Absolutely' is your buzz word.
It is my unchangeable reality.
What I want
& what I don't want
doesn't matter.
is what
you are
not aware
What you are not aware of
causes you to believe
you were born into a world
as a person.
The rest of it,
you know.
A master violin player played a first-class concert. After the concert, whilst in his dressing room, an important newspaper critic visited him.
"I would like to congratulate you on your concert." Said the critic. "That violin you played is the best sounding violin that I have heard for many a long year."
The master violinist walked over to where the violin case was sitting. He popped the locks, opened the lid, put his ear to the violin and listened.
He turned around and said to the critic, "Funny, I cannot hear a thing!"
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
True prayer
Whatever you
dependent on
can only
weaken you.
All forms
can only
end in
The value of money
has decreased to
such a degree
that it is
When there is
nothing going on,
you can enjoy
each others
It's called
'In the company
of Truth'.
How can you expect to know God
when you don't even know yourself?
The economy
& the ecology
are inseparable.
I serve
my heart.
makes it
Knowing is within the mind.
Beyond the framework
there is nothing
to know.
It manifests as
Direct Knowledge.
Whatever has dimensions
is destructible.
Only Dimensionless Reality
is indestructible.
The world, in and of itself, has no reality whatsoever. It is your own private dream. It is your own creation. If you have a problem with it, do not blame. Ask yourself why you created such a world.
There is a world within every word. When you take your focus off of a few thoughts that you had, those worlds die and you don't even bat an eyelid.
The eyes blink at 1/60th of a second.
Anything faster than that is seen as MAGIC!
When you want to know how the magician does it, you have to watch the illusion from beginning to end, without blinking. Guaranteed you will catch him.
comes along with
For those who are attract to the destructible,
they are addicted to fear.
Those who are attracted to the indestructible
are addicted to love.
I found the goldmine within myself.
It gives off the most incredible golden light
that I have ever seen.
The Power of the Sun illuminates it.
Monday, August 9, 2010
20 years ago, when I first came to America, this was my Statement of Fact;
"85% of this world population is going to be wiped out. The remaining 15% will only survive through Unconditioned Love". Without exception, to a man, everyone said, 'Not in my lifetime!'. Well, here we are, teetering on the brink of destruction. One massive, natural disaster and over we go!.
As above
so below,
as below
so above.
CEOs' come and go but the corporations policies stay the same.
Wars start and finish but the policies of war remain constant.
Radical change
requires radical action.
Don't buy the
Radical change is
necessary for survival.
Survival is not
your desire.
That desire comes out of
name, shape and form.
I have never changed.
I AM the constant.
I live behind
name, shape and form.
It is the perfect hiding place.
as close to you
as your breath.
Some desires are fulfillable, some desires are unfulfillable. Don't waste time desiring unfulfillable desires. Desire the biggest desire you can. It contains all of the lesser desires. My desire is PEACE ON EARTH. What's yours? Write it down on paper. Pull it down out of the Ether.
A man can live without his sight. He can live without his taste. He can live without his sense of smell, and many live without their hearing. It is impossible to live without feelings. Therefore, everyone is alive by the Grace of God.
has a
sense of
Focus on it.
Introduce something
to the mind
that it cannot control &
the circuits will blow.
All the mind
is interested in
is survival.
Be careful
what you wish for.
My heart has no limits ~
you will get it.
'Thank your lucky stars.'
'Never look a gift horse in the mouth.'
'Be grateful for what you've got,
there are others less fortunate than you.'
True charity
heals the heart.
don't respond.
to your
Balanced breath.
Balanced life.
The mother
cannot go back
to being a single woman.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
is the
prime mover.
The desire to live is the
messenger of death.
The more love
you can contain
the better
you will be
It's easy
to see things
in a positive way
when you want them.
One gives themself everything,
then you don't have to
depend on others.
leads to
How many laws are there
'on the books'?
That will tell you
about 'free societies'.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
You have the power to stand for it or not.
I stand for the destruction of ignorance
in whatever shape and form it takes.
I know no other way.
I am not programmed.
I have always been like this.
Once you've done your best,
if you don't get the desired result,
all you can do is move on.
Once you stop desiring results,
then there is no need to do your best.
You, yourself will be the end result,
which is what you were before you went to sleep.
America will never
be invaded
while there is
True happiness is incredibly intense. Are you really sure you want it? After all, it is there for the taking, when you so decide.
In order to fully appreciate
the beauty of the desert,
you have to live in it.
There is no solution
save total destruction.
Pluto is going to
loosen the dirt
in the
fabric of Society.
How can you get benefit
from the mind if you have
no working knowledge of it?
To get free from the person
you believe yourself to be,
you have to reabsorb it.
That's like a fantasy
that thinks it can
outlive reality.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Contemplating time
could take
the rest
of Eternity.
Were everyone to know
that they are totally alone.
Beyond peoples comprehension
that the world & everything in it
is their own creation.
So if you have any complaints
you know who to talk to!
There is
no expiry date
on the Truth.
New world
New work
What is coming is coming.
No one can stop it.
It doesn't have a name.
Nameless, formless
& to boot it doesn't
need the I AM.
The unchangeable
doesn't change
but you can
feel it move.
Where is the need of thanks
when you show your appreciation?
Once one stops creating personal dramas
they get to see what's really going on.
who live in
opulent societies
tend to be
very shallow
The good thing
about pain & suffering
is that it drives you deeper.
Quote of the day
from Bhagwan Yorky!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
The only people who cannot survive without oil are the oil companies. Everyone else will be alright. People have survived for thousands of years without oil! They'll be alright.
will know
when the
'second coming'
is here.
will feel
inner explosion.
You don't
get it
you learn
how to
who has
on the inner,
is at war.
the penny drops
will be the same.
If I can
do it
any fool
do it.
On your deathbed
it's too late.
A blank can only reflect back what you put in. Lack of disturbance is a blank. In Dominoes, there is a double blank. Double 6 is the ultimate disturbance.
belief systems
are dreams.
You will be awake
when you know that
waking & sleeping
is a dream;
as with
coming & going.
What makes
a dream
to be real
excessive interest.
The power behind these words
is potent enough to destroy you
& what you believe yourself to be.
People do not come
to me for hope;
they come
looking for me
when all hope
is gone!
Death of this
is the birth
of that.
Cavemen mentality
is playing itself out
with modern weaponry.
What will
the military
do to survive?
All that
happens is
Fallout of Transmutation.
Even a crow
can recognize
acts of kindness.
Can you?
Monday, August 2, 2010
Do you believe
what you are or
what you're told?
What will people do
when they realize
they've lost the
connection to
There is no power greater than love.
Nothing can live without love.
Everything comes out of love
& goes back into love.
To rule the world
one has to
respect the Earth.
Were the Jews to know that the Palestinians were their last hope they might be a bit kinder to them. Israel has a right to exist but not at the expense of others.
When all else fails
we've always got
the bomb - The big one!
I AM your worst nightmare
to which there is no escape.
When your nightmare
meets my nightmare
you will be free of it.
I AM not here
to win friends &
influence people.
Politicians do that.
the last
prophet of doom.
No one seemed to
believe the others,
hence, I'm your last stop.
There's not
much imagination
in deathbeds.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
I have no time for debating.
I am not interested in debates.
You can't perfect something that's already perfect.
You can't improve something that's provable.
In order to improve perfection
it would have to be imperfect &
seeing as perfection includes imperfection, why waste the time,
Now the mind, that's another matter
which to the silent mind, doesn't matter.
A difficult life
forces one to
find humor
in situations.
I gave it my best shot;
that's without sacrificing
my integrity, of course.
How much war & violence is there in the world? The world meaning 'collective consciousness'. How much laughter is it going to take to balance that? Not enough. It's too late!
If time didn't exist
you wouldn't have
a good time or
a bad time.
Outside of time
everything is
The 'big bang' happened
when you were born.
You spend the rest of your life
dealing with the fallout.
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