Belief & disbelief
get in the way of
seeing things
as they are.
is made out of light.
Without the light
there is no such thing
as existence.
The light
never asks
for help.
Without the light
you would not
see the dark.
is an
The room may appear dark.
Open the doors & windows
& the appearance is no longer.
can take
any shape & form
they desire.
For an appearance to be known,
it has to appear in your world,
otherwise it doesn't exist.
Deny me
& you
have it.
The study
of the
of Consciousness.
At the end of the day,
they're only ideas.
Ideas don't want to die.
It's the ideas that
keep man alive.
Everyone is a gold-mine.
The only difference is,
with some, one has to dig
really deep to see their
hidden wealth.
The fake
will always
let you down.
The genuine never.
Find the Source of breath
& develop a relationship.
If you don't
have the power,
then it's no good sittin'
on your ass, hoping.
To know
Supreme Reality
You have to
drop out of
Do it with awareness or
how will you know
how to get back in?
I have yet to find someone willing to take it.
I took it, therefore I can give it. Finding someone who wants it, that's another story.
If you want more, you'll have to tune in! Use the 'perspective' knob. (it's in the right temple) The contrast knob is on the left. Fine-tuning is smack bang in the center.