The greatest asset,
in these times
that are manifesting,
is a silent mind.
Only lies
are marketable.
The Truth isn't.
In the Transcendence there is no experience. There is no one there to experience as there is nothing there to experience.
After release
comes relief.
There is no crime
until you get caught.
Join the line
if you are looking for justice
on this planet.
Supreme Intelligence
works in mysterious ways.
Can a possibility
hurt you?
If you don't like it
don't read it.
If you don't understand it~
keep reading.
the ultimate
reality show.
That's the problem with all Governments;
they don't think things through.
It's all the same to the man
that's seen it all.
It's all the same to the man
that's beyond it all.
Where is the information coming from?
I get mine directly from the Source.
When do you get yours from?