Saturday, October 6, 2007


The Earth cannot keep producing at the rate Man is using.

In the worldly sense,
I am not very available.
On the Quantum level,
I am closer to you than your breath.

This one is the Non-doer.

Whatever is born can never fully support you.
I am the unborn and I fully support.
Without my support you would collapse.

What use is a house without a foundation?

Knowledge gained through sacrificing oneself to Digambara is the only secure foundation to build a potent life upon.

The power on non-movement
is what causes movement.

In a climate of fear,
a man carrying the Power of Love
is highly visible.

A programmed mind cannot investigate its' own nature.

You don't have to die
to start a new life.

There is a spark of life within everyone, otherwise one could not live. That spark is your soul. It's yours, all yours and no one can take it away from you. Those who don't look after it, lose it. The devil comes and takes it away. It would be difficult for anyone to sit and contemplate that they were sold out. Were I to suggest to him that his was sold out, he may stoop to violence. Better to ask him, "How is your spark, by the way?" A good spark, along with a potent blow will ignite into a great fire. Go on, I dare you!